9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Still wondering if you are correctly entering illness or injury information on your company's OSHA
log? Are you confident of when to record and when not to? This webinar will explain the regulatory
requirements of OSHA's illness and injury recording and reporting standard. Attendees will be able
to assess injuries, or illnesses, and determine whether or not it meets the criteria of a new case
and when to keep a case open and what to do when the case is completed.
Webinar discussion will include first aid, employee involvement in your reporting system, and how
to inform employees of their right to report work-related injuries, or illnesses, free from
retaliation. The webinar will also include electronic reporting requirements, applicability, and
updates to the standard. Attendees will also learn how to complete the OSHA 300, 301, and 300A
forms and whose signature must be on the annual summary.
Who Should Attend the Webinar:
- If you are responsible for the entry of employee illness or injuries on the OSHA 300 log
- If your signature is on the 300A form
- If you have 11 or more employees at any time throughout the year (the threshold for reporting)
- If you have 20 employees in your utilities (water, electric, sewer, gas) departments (threshold for electronic reporting)
- If you are the person that needs to report a recordable injury to the staff person managing the OSHA 300 log
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