But how do you communicate daily (and without annoying people)?
There are a few simple ways to connect with employees that take less than a minute investment on people’s part to read/see the message.
- Consider delivering a good mix of employee news nuggets, tips (for work and life in general), and inspirational quotes. Don’t rely exclusive on just one style.
- Designate a time each day for your communications. Maybe it’s first thing in the morning, just before lunch, or in the last hour of the workday before employees head home.
Push out your messages through:
- Email, if your participants have work email addresses
- Texts, if you’ve created a list of participants’ cellphone numbers
- Facebook, if you have a private Group page for employees
- Small posters (printed on 8 ½ x 11-inch paper) that you post in break rooms and restrooms, and at employee entrances to your building(s)
Don’t be afraid to use a combination of all four ways to reach employees. Because the messages are brief, people likely won’t mind seeing them in more than one place. And, it could always serve to reinforce what you’re trying to communicate. In addition to words (in the form of a news item, tip, quote), you may want to include an attention-catching image.