September 30 - Title V Semi-Annual Monitoring Report is due to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. This is required for any facilities with a Title V Operating Permit.
October 1 - Estimated Replacement Tax Form is due to the Iowa Department of Revenue. This form only needs to be completed if any of the following conditions apply: 1) Utility is reporting replacement tax for the first time or the prior year replacement tax was zero or a partial tax 2) Utility's transmission and generation tax will vary by more than 10% from the previous year 3) Natural gas deliveries to a new electric power plant vary more than 10% from last year 4) Utility paid more than $500,000 in replacement taxes in the prior year. A copy of the form can be found on IAMU's website under the Electric Calendar.
October 31 - Notification of Winter Energy Assistance Funds (LIHEAP). There is no report to complete and submit but an annual notice to customers is required by the Iowa Utilities Board. Utilities of different sizes have different rules for how to post the notices. Please visit IAMU’s website to locate the rules
The Fall is also a good time to send out the annual Grain Bin Notification. This is an annual requirement by the Iowa Utilities Board. All Iowa municipal electric utilities are required to notify customers involved in potential grain bin construction of specific overhead line clearances that must be adhered to when constructing grain bins. In September 2017, IAMU updated the Grain Bin Notification brochure. The diagrams have not changed, but the reference has been updated to reference the 2017 Edition of the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC). Please check your Grain Bin Notification brochures and ensure you are using the most updated version. If you need an updated version, you can find that on IAMU’s website at toward the bottom of the regulatory calendar.
If you have any questions on the above reporting or need assistance in completing and/or filing the report, please contact Krista Wenzel, Consortia Consulting, IAMU Regulatory Partner, at 402.441.1684 or by email at [email protected].