Do you need help completing the Consumer Confidence Report? If so, this workshop is for you! The goal of the workshop is for each participant to leave with an understanding, or refresher, of what the CCR is and why it needs to be completed.
The CCR workshops will be held on the dates/locations below:
- April 18: Alta
Community Building, 27 N. Lake St. (N. of Hwy. 7, W. of Buena Vista Raceway) - April 19: Mason City
Lime Creek Nature Center, 3501 Lime Creek Rd. (N. edge of Mason City off Hwy. 65) - April 20: Ankeny
IAMU Training & Office Complex, 1735 NE 70th Avenue - April 21: Atlantic
Elks Lodge, 501 Poplar, 3rd Floor - April 25: Independence
Falcon Civic Center, 1305 5th Avenue NE - April 26: North Liberty
North Liberty Community Center, 520 W. Cherry St. (Exit 4 from I-380, right onto 250th St./W. Penn St., right onto IA-965, left onto W. Cherry)
Important! Please bring the following items to the workshop:
- IDNR Draft CCR mailed in March 2017
- All your 2016 MOR’s containing your MRDL information in addition to your December 2015 MOR
- If you operate a surface water system: You must bring your turbidity
information. Highest single measurement and the lowest monthly
percentage of samples meeting turbidity limits from 2016 calendar year - If you add Fluoride, bring the highest and lowest lab results from 2016
- Jump (flash) drive for ease of saving
Hope to see you there!