Click here to download it.
Other Toolbox Talk articles are available here.
If you have a Toolbox Talk idea, please send it to Margret Meade.
The latest edition of IAMU's Toolbox Talks - Why Do We Need Warning Decals or Safety Signs? is now available. Click here to download it. Other Toolbox Talk articles are available here. If you have a Toolbox Talk idea, please send it to Margret Meade. IAMU has resumed the Mobile Crane Operator certification classes and you may register @ or contact Margret Meade @ 515.210.6617 or [email protected]
Schneider Electric is committed to delivering high quality products to our customers. As part of our ongoing quality monitoring process, we detected a potential issue that may affect Surgelogic™ NQ SurgeLoc™ Surge Protection Devices.
The affected surge protection devices may potentially experience an arc event, which may result in PROPERTY DAMAGE AND PERSONAL INJURY. Hence the decision was made to replace the product in the field. Read more here. If you’re looking for a magic formula to make sure your communications get your customers’ attention, keep in mind three key factors.
No. 1 – Relevancy Be sure your communications – no matter what medium you use – are relevant to your customers. Communications need to contain sources, examples, and images that customers recognize. Information on water quality becomes more relevant when you use a picture of your local water tower or water source instead of a generic, stock photo. No. 2 – Brevity Think billboards and snippets, not long blocks of texts or speeches that go on and on. Respect customers’ time and understand that attention spans don’t last that long. Make a message quick to make it stick. A 150-word article or a one-minute video is about as long as you should ideally push it. Images are also important to making a message memorable. One image with a few words can be more effective than a page-long story with several photos. No. 3 – Funny People like and remember messages and images that are entertaining – ones that bring a smile to their faces or make them chuckle. People also respond better to a more light-hearted approach than one that comes across as preachy or authoritative. Don’t be afraid to have fun with your communications. Communications need not be complicated to be effective. If you make your messages relevant, short, and humorous, you can get people’s attention and get them engaged. Sponsored by DNR, IAMU, and EPA’s Water Security Division
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities, and the Environmental Protection Agency are jointly sponsoring two free virtual half-day workshops for Iowa water utilities that are focused on drought response and water loss. The virtual workshops, split over two half-days, are an opportunity for Iowa water utilities to share strategies, lessons learned, and success stories regarding preparedness and response to water shortages and droughts. Participants will have the opportunity to identify practical actions that water utilities can take to proactively build and sustain mitigation measures, as well as response and recovery planning efforts. Drought Workshop: Wednesday, December 16, 2020 ∙ 9:00 AM – noon CST Water Loss Workshop: Thursday, December 17, 2020 ∙ 9:00 AM – noon CST Registration One registration for both days. There is no fee for the workshops. The virtual workshops will specifically include these topics: December 16th Drought Workshop:
December 17th Water Loss Workshop:
Who Should Participate?
Each half-day session is worth 3 hours of continuing education credit (WT, WD). Questions about Registration or Workshop: Contact Will Keefer (Horsley Witten Group – EPA Contractor) at 508-833-6600 or [email protected]. From Sarah Petersen, IDPH CWF Coordinator, 10/20/2020
“The Iowa Department of Public Health's Bureau of Oral and Health Delivery Systems announces their new webpage dedicated to water operations to assist in the community water fluoridation practices water operators provide for their community daily. This site will include the most up to date resources on national and Iowa specific information in relation to community water fluoridation. This is meant for all water systems, regardless of whether the system is fluoridated. The link is included here. If you have any questions in regards to this webpage, please contact Sarah Petersen, Community Water Fluoridation Coordinator at (515)204-3450 or [email protected].” Imagine a Day Without Water: Commit to a sustainable water future for all.
This year, our country faced an enormous public health crisis from the coronavirus pandemic. Throughout this emergency, water and wastewater systems kept the water flowing in homes, hospitals, and essential businesses. This crisis demonstrated the critical role that water and wastewater systems play in their communities, protecting public health, safeguarding the environment, and making a healthy economy possible. It is easy to imagine how much worse the pandemic would have been without widespread access to water infrastructure. Without reliable drinking water and sanitation, Americans would be unable to stay safe and limit the spread. In communities with inadequate water and wastewater infrastructure, the public health consequences have been dire. Today, we Imagine a Day Without Water. It’s a day to pause and notice the way that water systems impact our lives and communities, and commit to ensuring a sustainable water future for generations to come. What would your day be like if you couldn’t turn on the tap and get clean drinking water, or if you flushed the toilet and wastewater didn’t go anywhere? What would happen to restaurants, hospitals, firefighters, farms, breweries, or the hundreds of industries that depend on water? Millions of Americans take water service for granted every day. Turn on the tap, and clean water flows out. Flush the toilet, and dirty water goes away. Washing our hands regularly is one of the most important steps to take to limit the spread of coronavirus, and we usually don’t stop to think about the impressive infrastructure and treatment required to make sure the water comes out when you open the tap, or safely returns water to the environment from your sink. But the truth is, our water and wastewater systems are getting older -- some were installed a century ago -- and everyone should be concerned with the vulnerability of those systems. While we continue to enjoy high quality and reliable water service now, maintaining that level of service is going to be harder and harder as America’s water infrastructure continues to deteriorate. Meanwhile, new threats from record rainfalls, flooding, toxic algae, drought and wildfires threaten our critical water systems. There are even communities, especially in many rural places across the country, that have never had access to infrastructure in the first place. As we look at ways to help lift our economy out of the recession, investing in water infrastructure is a winning solution. Investing in water creates cascading economic benefits, strengthening American competitiveness, raising GDP, creating jobs and increasing wages. Investing in water provides a path to economic recovery. Imagine a Day Without Water is an opportunity for everyone to get educated about our local water systems and raise awareness with our elected leaders. We need leadership at every level to work together to ensure a reliable water future for generations to come. Investing in water is investing in a future where no American will have to imagine a day without water. The 26th Annual Water and Wastewater Operator’s Training Workshop will be presented as a series of one-day online courses in the month of November. Each day will provide both basic and advanced topics focused on: Water Treatment – November 10 Water Distribution – November 17 Wastewater – November 24 Water and wastewater professionals wanting practical information to help them do their jobs should plan to participate in these courses. Pricing $25 per day for IAMU Members; $50 per day for Non-Members CEUs Available Five (5) CEU hours are available for each day. Registration Information You may register for each day at the links below. *Please note: if you are attending more than one day, you will have to register for each session respectively. Water Treatment – November 10 Registration Water Distribution – November 17 Registration Wastewater – November 24 Registration *The conference link will ONLY be sent to the registered attendee’s email address.* Mark your calendar for February 24, 2021 when IAMU will hold our legislative reception at the Iowa Hall of Pride.
Following the reception on February 25-26, 2021 the Annual IAMU Energy Conference will be held at Prairie Meadows Events and Conference Center. More information will be available in the coming weeks. See you there! Communication Corner: A look at how to connect with your customers and other stakeholders10/20/2020 A plain language primer – making sure everyone understands your communications
You might have heard of or come across the term plain language. It’s talked about more and more these days. Some people think plain language is dumbing down information, but it’s not. It’s using words and structure that lead to effective communications so just about anyone can understand, process, and apply the information being delivered. Isn’t that what we all want? According to, “No one technique defines plain language. Rather, plain language is defined by results — it is easy to read, understand and use.” With that said, let’s take a look at some common language and design techniques that can help achieve the results.
If you try these writing and design techniques in your communications, you may just make your messages easy to process and understand, and that’s a good thing. P.S. Just in case you don’t believe us when it comes to the power of plain language, here is what a few others had to say about it:
Social media can be a great tool for business owners, but it also presents possible cybersecurity threats you might not think about. Below are 5 helpful tips to staying cybersecure while using social media for your business to implement during Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Sincerely, Paul D. Pate Iowa Secretary of State 5 TIPS TO STAYING CYBERSECURE ON SOCIAL MEDIA With every social media account you sign up for, picture you post, & status you update, you are sharing information about yourself with the world. Take these simple steps to connect with confidence & safely navigate the social media world. 1. NEVER CLICK & TELL Seemingly random details are all a criminal needs to know to target you, your loved ones, & your physical belongings. Keep personal information such as your full name, address, birthday, or even vacation plans off the Internet. Disable location services that allow anyone to see where you are, & where you aren't, at any given time. 2. REPORT SUSPICIOUS OR HARASSING ACTIVITY Work with your social media platform to report & possibly block harassing users. Report an incident if you've been a victim of a cybercrime. Local & national authorities are ready to help you. 3. THERE IS NO 'DELETE' BUTTON Just because you delete a post or picture from your profile seconds after posting, chances are someone still saw it. 4. UPDATE YOUR PRIVACY SETTINGS Set the privacy & security settings to your comfort level for information sharing. Disable geotagging, which allows anyone to see where you are, & where you aren't, at any given time. 5. CONNECT ONLY WITH PEOPLE YOU TRUST While some social networks might seem safer for connecting because of the limited personal information shared through them, keep your connections to people you know & trust. These tips and tricks to help secure your business from cyber threats while on social media are provided by CISA.
For more information about how you can Do Your Part to #BeCyberSmart, visit |
September 2024