You may also, at any time, go onto the IAMU website to update any information. Click on “Sign In” at the top of If you need your utility’s user name and password, follow the prompts on the member sign-in page or contact Josh Trout at [email protected]. Once logged in, go to “Manage Profile” on the right-hand side of the page to edit your information.
The Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities (IAMU) wants to make sure that we have the most up-to-date information for our members so we can provide you with the information you need. Over the next several weeks, to make sure that we have members’ most current information for the next IAMU Directory, we will be contacting members to verify information and make any necessary changes to our database.
You may also, at any time, go onto the IAMU website to update any information. Click on “Sign In” at the top of If you need your utility’s user name and password, follow the prompts on the member sign-in page or contact Josh Trout at [email protected]. Once logged in, go to “Manage Profile” on the right-hand side of the page to edit your information.
Ever been at a meeting at IAMU's office and looked down at the battery indicator on your phone/tablet only to see it desperately needed a charge? No need to worry any longer.
IAMU has set up a series of charging stations for Apple and Android phones/tablets in our meeting rooms. We encourage members to use the chargers if they need to charge their devices during meetings. There are several of them around the tables in the board room, one in the small conference room, one in the atrium outside the auditorium, and a final one out in the shop on the lower shelf of the av cart. Please join us for an OSHA 300 Recordkeeping Webinar on October 31st.
This workshop explains the regulatory requirements of OSHA’s recordkeeping standard; Part 1904 - Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses. Class attendees will learn which types of injuries and illnesses are recordable, how to make entries on the OSHA 300 recordkeeping forms and how to complete the annual summary form. Who Should Attend? Those responsible for, or who have been given the task of, documenting work-related illnesses or injuries. The recordkeeping standard applies to those cities with 10 or more employees throughout the year (include full and part-time employees in the count) while the reporting standard applies to all cities. To register, please click here. The IAMU 5th Annual Energy Conference will be held Nov. 29 – Dec. 1, 2017, at Prairie Meadows Events & Conference Center in Altoona. For more information and to register for the conference, click here.
Be sure to reserve your hotel room, too. Online reservations are available at Use Group Code - 11282017IAM for the conference rate. Conference hotel rate $108 per room, per night, plus tax. To call in a reservation, dial (515) 957-3000 or (800) 325-9015. The cut-off date for the IAMU rate is November 8th. The American Public Power Association's Academy is offering a series of two webinars on FEMA's Public Assistance Grant Program. The program provides reimbursement of costs associated with debris removal, emergency protective measures, and the repair and restoration of damaged facilities. But, this disaster assistance is subject to eligibility rules applicable to the applicant, facility, work, and cost. Through this series, attendees will learn about procurement requirements, how to avoid common mistakes that can lead to disallowance of funding, what to expect if you are targeted for an audit, and about FEMA's appeals process.
3 Weeks Until the 23rd Annual Water & Wastewater Operator's Training Workshop - Register Now10/24/2017 The 23rd Annual Water and Wastewater Operator’s Training Workshop will be held November 14 – 16, 2017, at Holiday Inn Northwest, Des Moines. To register, click here.
This yearly training is a must for any water and wastewater professionals wanting practical information to help them do their jobs. The three-day workshop includes basic and advanced topics on water treatment, water distribution, and wastewater. Attendees can earn up to 1.2 CEUs toward certification, plus get a chance to connect with other municipal water professionals from around the state as well as check out products and services from water-related vendors. Early registration deadline is Friday, Nov. 3! Don’t wait! An Added, Pre-Workshop Bonus: Water Audit Seminar, presented by Steve Cavanaugh of Cavanaugh Solutions Tuesday, Nov. 14 from 9 a.m. until noon Space is limited to 50. Those who attend the seminar can earn 0.3 CEUs for WT/WD. There is an additional cost of $50 to attend this pre-workshop seminar. Aaron Coret and Mike Miller, lineman for the Denison Municipal Utilities were recognized at the municipal electric utility's regular monthly Board of Trustees Monday afternoon. The certificates of appreciation read "Denison Municipal Utilities is extremely proud of the power restoration service that was provided to Moore Haven, Florida following the destruction of Hurricane Irma in September, 2017." Thank you guys for representing DMU and the community of Denison, Iowa!
The event is free, but registration is required.
RESCO is hosting an informative discussion on drone technology and how it’s being used in electric utility operations. The event will be held from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017, at the Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities Office. The event is free and lunch will be included, but registration is required. Space is limited to the first 40 individuals who register. To learn more about the event and to register, click here. If you have questions, contact [email protected]. Please welcome our newest Associate Member - Industrial Pump & Seal Inc. At Industrial Seal & Pump Inc., we are technical troubleshooters specializing in problem solving fluid process systems. We provide proven highly reliable engineered sealing products, including Advanced Sealing Technology (AST) mechanical seals for pumps and rotating equipment, unique polymer alloy and engineered thermoplastic Thordon bearings, Seal-Ryt high performance mechanical packing (FDA approved), Thermoseal gasket sheets, bearing seals, and hydraulic seals. We provide expert technical service support for our products including failure analysis of mechanical seals and pumps, process troubleshooting, mechanical seal repair, machine shop services, and customized design and fabrication of mechanical seals and Thordon sleeve bearing solutions.
For more information contact: John Dockery-Jackson (309) 738-2503 [email protected] Dates: November 14 – 16, 2017
Location: Holiday Inn Northwest, Des Moines Registration is Now Open. Click Here to Register. This yearly training is a must for any water and wastewater professionals wanting practical information to help them do their jobs. The three-day workshop includes basic and advanced topics on water treatment, water distribution, and wastewater. Attendees can earn up to 1.2 CEUs toward certification, plus get a chance to connect with other municipal water professionals from around the state as well as check out products and services from water-related vendors. An Added, Pre-Workshop Bonus: Water Audit Seminar, presented by Steve Cavanaugh of Cavanaugh Solutions Tuesday, Nov. 14 from 9 a.m. until noon Space is limited to 50. Those who attend the seminar can earn 0.3 CEUs for WT/WD. There is an additional cost of $50 to attend this pre-workshop seminar. |
February 2025