Once they log in on the link and put in their unique number assigned upon eligibility, their browser is frozen; a proctor from the company we are using can see them through the camera; their surroundings are monitored for extra materials or cheating; and the test session is recorded for future reference if there is any cheating suspicions or accusations. The testing company will provide a YouTube Video and live customer support for any technical issues arising during a "remote" session. Once we are up and running all our backlogged exams should be cleaned up pretty quickly, potentially within a couple of days, and if we have to shelter in place again down the road there will be no interruption in examination services. Post Covid19 our operators will have two options for exam delivery: "remote proctoring" and our traditional method of on-line at an IDNR Field Office or Community College computer lab.
How do operators get signed up for a remotely proctored exam? IDNR will send out letters; utilize the DNR listserves and post on our website all information relative to an operator's new testing options when we have a more finite start date. Potential examinees should monitor our OpCert Static Webpage https://www.iowadnr.gov/environmental-protection/water-quality/certification/water-wastewater-operators; all information will be posted here the minute it is finalized. Also, if you are not signed up for the Drinking Water or Clean Water listserve, you should be. Drinking Water Listserve contact is [email protected] and Wastewater is [email protected]. All you do is send them an email and they will add your email address to the distribution list. Stay tuned for more info!!!