During the last hour of the preconference (4 to 5 p.m.), IAMU would like to host an electric-vehicles exhibit in the parking lot of Prairie Meadows Casino, Racetrack & Hotel, where the conference is being held. We would like to have as many members as possible bring and display some of their electric vehicles. If you would be willing to do so or have any questions about the exhibit, contact Jeremy Caron, IAMU Director of Energy Services, at 515.289.1999 or by email at [email protected]
IAMU will be holding a preconference on electric vehicles as part of our 7th Annual Energy Conference. The preconference, scheduled for 1 to 5 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 23 is titled, “Iowa’s Emerging Electric Vehicle Market: Impacts and Resources.”
During the last hour of the preconference (4 to 5 p.m.), IAMU would like to host an electric-vehicles exhibit in the parking lot of Prairie Meadows Casino, Racetrack & Hotel, where the conference is being held. We would like to have as many members as possible bring and display some of their electric vehicles. If you would be willing to do so or have any questions about the exhibit, contact Jeremy Caron, IAMU Director of Energy Services, at 515.289.1999 or by email at [email protected]
IAMU has hired Jared Masker as the new Electric Services Coordinator. Jared started in his new position on Monday, Sept. 23.
Jared comes to IAMU with several years’ experience as a journeyman lineman with Greenfield Municipal Utilities. Prior to GMU, Jared worked at Anita Municipal Utilities. He completed lineman school at Northwest Community College in 2010. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is presenting a series of technical assistance webinars to highlight best practices for addressing noncompliance at small wastewater treatment plants.
This training, which is for owners and operators of small plants, was originally presented in 2016 by Ohio’s Package Plant Initiative. That initiative focused on small mechanical treatment systems that were in significant noncompliance (SNC) with their NPDES permits. Webinar attendees will learn how to fine-tune their systems and troubleshoot common non-compliance issue using cheap, easy, and effective process control tools and methods to return the wastewater treatment plants to compliance. This is the first of two webinars on this topic. This webinar will cover conversion problems (i.e., ammonia noncompliance). The second webinar, scheduled for November 13, will cover separation and disinfection issues. Webinar Time: October 17, 2019 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. Central Registration Link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5775464501807506946 Audience: Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators, NPDES technical assistance providers and compliance staff from states, tribes, and US EPA. While all plant operators may find this useful, it is geared more toward smaller systems with flow of less than 1 million gallons per day. Presenter: John van Dommelen, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Compliance Assistance Unit. NDPES Expert Q&A Support: Louis Salguero and Cornell Gayle, US EPA Region 4, Science and Ecosystem Support Division Laboratory, Athens, GA. References: Activated Sludge Process Control and Troubleshooting Training Manual, which includes a self-diagnostic troubleshooting chart. Sponsors: EPA’s Office of Compliance Water Branch and the EPA-State Reducing SNC with NPDES Permits National Compliance Initiative (NCI) Workgroup. Electric and Natural Gas Members, it’s getting to be that time of year: Time for Public Power Week and Public Natural Gas Week.
These two national observances both take place Oct. 6 - 12. This is a time when you can bring awareness to what electric and natural gas utilities do for your communities. Both the American Public Power Association and the American Public Gas Association make customer-outreach materials available for use. Public Power Week
Public Natural Gas Week
IAMU will share electric and natural gas posts on social media throughout the week of Oct. 6 – 12. If you don’t already follow our social media accounts, consider doing so and then feel free to share any of our posts on your social media.
It was brought to IAMU’s attention by an IAMU member updating his utilities’ IUB Emergency Notification Contacts that other utilities may need to update their contacts with the IUB and the railroads. If you haven’t checked on your contact information recently and have had any staff changes, you may want to review your contact information with these groups.
Registration is Now Open for the 25th Annual Water & Wastewater Operator’s Training Workshop9/25/2019 This yearly training is a must for any water and wastewater professionals wanting practical information to help them do their jobs.
The workshop will take place Nov. 19-21 at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Des Moines-Northwest in Urbandale. The three-day workshop includes basic and advanced topics on water treatment, water distribution, and wastewater. Attendees can earn up to 1.2 CEUs toward certification, plus get a chance to connect with other municipal water professionals from around the state as well as check out products and services from water-related vendors. For more information about the workshop or to register, go to: https://members.iamu.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1278708&group= Mark your calendar and plan to observe Energy Efficiency Day on Oct. 2. Energy Efficiency Day is a time to bring awareness to being as energy efficient as possible all year long.
For more information about the day and free resources that you can use, visit: www.energyefficiencyday.org. There, you will find social media posts and templates for media releases and proclamations. IAMU will make social media posts on Energy Efficiency Day on the IAMU Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/IAMUpage/ Feel free to share what we provide or create your own post. Be sure to use #EEDay2019 in your post. Upcoming Deadline: IAMU Energy Conference Early-Bird Hotel Reservation Special Ends Friday, Sept. 279/23/2019 The deadline for hotel reservations for IAMU’s 7th Annual Energy Conference at the special conference rate is 5:00 p.m., Friday, Sept. 27. The Energy Conference takes place Oct. 24-25 at The Meadows Events & Conference Center at Prairie Meadows Casino, Racetrack & Hotel in Altoona. A preconference workshop, “Iowa’s Emerging Electric Vehicle Market: Impacts and Resources,” takes place from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 23.
Use Group Code: 10222019IAM Conference hotel rates through 5:00 p.m., Friday, Sept. 27 are --
For more details about the conference (including the tentative agenda) and/or to register for the event, visit: https://members.iamu.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1278311&group= Ladders lead to injuries, perhaps because they appear to be such a simple tool. Just open it or lean it against a wall, then climb up to extend your reach. It’s easy to forget that climbing above the floor, especially if you are carrying tools and heavy items, is dangerous. And because they are ever-present and shared among many employees, it’s also easy to neglect them, and not notice when they are damaged or unsteady.
If your company relies on traditional ladders, you must ensure employees are following your ladder safety program in their use and maintenance. For more on ladder safety, check out the the EMC Insurance Loss Control Insights article. October 15-18 at locations across the state
Your water rates are the most important source of revenue for your water system. Are your rates sufficient to cover the cost of providing water service today and into the future? And are your rates structured in a way to best meet the priorities of your community? This free workshop will explore several important aspects of water system finance, including:
Anyone involved in the financial management of your water system is invited to attend, including board members, town managers, budget and finance staff, utility managers, and operators. The workshop is geared toward small water systems. We welcome multiple attendees from the same community. Cost: A day of your time, plus travel, and food expenses. There is no charge for the workshop itself Presenter: Glenn Barnes, Director, Water Finance Assistance Logistics: Four one-day workshops are being offered across the state of Iowa. The content will be the same at each workshop. Please choose the day and time that works best for you!
All workshops will run from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Credits: This workshop has been approved for 0.6 Iowa Drinking Water Certification Continuing Education Credits (CEUs). To register, visit: https://www.waterfinanceassistance.com/iowa?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery |
September 2024