Requests of Utility Providers
1) Provide Program Information to Customers
- Provide the program flyer to customers who are renters and may need assistance with their utility bill. The flyer is currently available in English and Spanish under the marketing resources section of the program website and can be shared with customers via email or hard copy.
- Iowa Finance Authority has gathered beneficial contacts from utility providers to date. The process of signing up to receive information and payments from this program requires completion of a new form for providers of all eligible service types of the program. These eligible service types are electricity, natural gas, propane or fuel oil, water, sewer and trash removal. This form will collect necessary payment information, contact emails, and certify that the provider agrees to the requirements of the program. Completing this form for IFA is required to receive automatic notifications regarding customer applicants and payments for approved applicants.
Complete the form here.
Questions about this form can be directed to the Housing Recovery Team.
Polk County and the City of Des Moines is administering the program locally. Therefore, Iowans residing in either Polk County or the City of Des Moines will be ineligible to apply for the Iowa Rent and Utility Assistance Program. More information on the program that may assist Polk County and City of Des Moines residents is available here.