We are pleased to announce our fall seminars for the IAMU Safety Group Insurance Program. These seminars have always proven to be very useful for city and utility personnel, as well as agents. Shown below is the schedule of locations and dates. Exact times and location addresses, along with online registration, will be published soon. Please save the date for these free seminars.
Hi Everyone – Here’s a last reminder about the IAMU Equipment Demo and Exhibit Day this Thursday, July 28. Equipment for the Demo Day has begun to arrive on the Training Field. This free event is a come and go as you please day. We are excited to have over 20 companies that will have equipment to demo and on display throughout the day.
Lunch will be available from 11-1:30 and a valve insertion demo is planned for 10:30. Pre-registration is recommended, but not required for attending. For more information, click here. Let me know if you have questions. Hope to see you there! Jill Jill Soenen Director of Member Communications Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities 1735 NE 70th Ankeny, IA 50021 800-810-4268 (phone) 515-289-2499 (fax) 515-556-7329 www.iamu.org [email protected] "To support and strengthen Iowa's municipal utilities" Water Distribution Training & Water Leak Detection/Line Locating Workshops - September 7th & 8th7/25/2016 IAMU will be hosting the 2016 Water Distribution Training and Water Leak Detection/Line Locating Workshops, September 7th & 8th, 2016.
0.6 CEUs will be available each day for Water Distribution. For more information, and to register, click here. Hope to see you there! Mark your calendars for this year’s IAMU Natural Gas Operator Qualification Workshop taking place August 23 – 24, 2016 at the IAMU Office and Training Complex. This year’s workshop will cover a multitude of topics and offer many qualification opportunities.
Who Should Attend? This workshop provides public gas employees the chance to learn more about the gas industry, while also gaining proficiency in skills that can be used in servicing their hometown gas customers. It is designed for employees who administer, supervise, and work in public natural gas systems. New operators, or operators needing a refresher on skills, should plan to attend this workshop. What is Covered? Covered topics and qualifications include:
The annual exhibit show and dinner will also take place at IAMU, giving participants a chance to check out the latest offerings from product reps. For more information and to register here. From the Cedar Rapids Gazette
Changes are on the horizon for utility deposit rates in the Eastern Iowa city of Cascade. Amid complaints that Cascade Municipal Utilities’ deposit rates are double what the state legally allows, the utility plans to reduce local rates to the state level. But CMU officials say they aren’t legally bound by the state rules. Geoffrey Zoller, a landlord in Cascade, a community of a little fewer than 2,200 residents west of Dubuque, said he’s been battling for years with the utility over deposit rates. Zoller’s argument, which he said he first made in 2001, is that CMU’s policy — new customers without an adequate credit history must pay a deposit equal to the two highest utility bills at that address over the previous year — is not only too high, it’s against state rules. State code enforced by the Iowa Utilities Board says customer deposits cannot exceed a single month’s bill. “It’s been illegal for 15 years, as far as I can tell,” Zoller said. From the Cascade Pioneer
While it’s been an issue some landlords and potential tenants blame for lack of growth in the downtown area and Cascade in general, the subject of high utility deposits was brought to the Cascade Municipal Utilities (CMU) Board recently. The people most affected talked, and the Board listened. The utility deposits were discussed at the July 13 board meeting, but since they were not on the agenda as an action item, any changes approved by the Board must be approved at its August meeting. It’s then that the Board will vote on whether to change the current deposit structure and set the amount of future deposits required for gas and electric service at the highest month’s bill from the previous 12 months. Since 1999 or 2000, the two highest months had been used to determine the amount of the deposit. The deposit is held for five years under the current policy, but the Board agreed to trim that period back to 12 months of continuous timely payments. The Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities is holding a FREE Equipment Demo and Exhibit day on July 28, 2016.
This event is free and open to all city/utility personnel including boards, councils, committees, and mayors. Equipment that will be onsite during event includes: track loaders, wheel loaders, bucket trucks, leak & line locators, fleet work trucks, line fusion equipment, and much more. This event is a great way to view equipment you may be purchasing in the future and to view new technology. A more detailed list of demonstration times will be released the week before the event. Although the event is free and lunch will be served, we encourage you to register to ensure we have adequate food and refreshments. You can view the companies that will be in attendance and register online here. IAMU is planning to release its 2016-2017 Membership Directory in August. This printed publication provides a quick reference guide to IAMU members’ profiles including addresses, phone numbers, and contacts.
*City/utility, associate, and affiliate members who are currently active and in good standing will be included in the 2016-2017 Membership Directory.* Directory Advertising Associate Members have the option to purchase ad space in the IAMU Membership Directory. This is an excellent way to market your products and services to IAMU membership. In observance of Water and Wastewater Workers of Iowa Week, which runs July 17 through July 23, the Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities (IAMU) recognizes water utility and wastewater utility workers from across the state for their everyday commitment to representing their community, protecting public health, and caring for the environment.
“The water and wastewater utility workers are often overlooked members of the community,” said Timothy Whipple, general counsel for IAMU. “This week is about recognizing our member utilities’ employees and giving them the thanks they deserve for their tireless service and efforts to their communities.” Governor Terry Branstad issued the proclamation on Thursday, May 19. Governor Branstad’s proclamation stated that science-based practices continue to be a vital element in improving the quality of life and preserving and protecting public health in the state. The proclamation also stated that the wastewater workforce have dedicated themselves to applying environmental science to enhance drinking and recreational waters of Iowa. Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities members will be recognizing their workers this week across Iowa. With over 500 water utility members within the association, employees will be recognized for their hard work and dedication to their communities. Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer in the US because it is more likely than other skin cancers to spread to the lymph nodes or other parts of the body. Melanocytes are the cells that can become melanoma. They make a brown pigment called melanin, which gives the skin its tan or brown color. Melanin protects the deeper layers of the skin from some of the harmful effects of the sun. For most people, when skin is exposed to the sun, melanocytes make more of the pigment, causing the skin to tan or darken. Nearly 90% of melanomas are thought to be caused by exposure to UV light and sunlight. Melanoma skin cancer signs include new spots on the skin, or a change in size, shape or color of an existing mole. The ABCD rule is another way to recognize abnormal growths:
February 2025