(Please click the dates for more information & registration)
April 16: Alta
Community Building, 27 N. Lake St. (N. of Hwy. 7, W. of Buena Vista Raceway)
April 17: Mason City
Lime Creek Nature Center, 3501 Lime Creek Rd. (N. edge of Mason City off Hwy. 65)
April 18: Independence
Falcon Civic Center, 1305 5th Avenue NE
April 19: North Liberty
(*New Location) North Liberty Water Treatment Plant, 433 South Front St., North Liberty, IA 52317
April 24: Ankeny
IAMU Training & Office Complex, 1735 NE 70th Ave
May 3: Atlantic
(*New Location) Cass County Community Center, 805 West 10th St., Atlantic, IA 50022
- IDNR Draft CCR mailed in March 2019
- If you operate a surface water system: You must bring your turbidity information. Highest single measurement and the lowest monthly percentage of samples meeting turbidity limits from 2018 calendar year
- If you add Fluoride, bring the highest and lowest lab results from 2018
- Jump (flash) drive for ease of saving
Hope to see you there!