*All webinars run from 1 - 2:30 p.m. CST*
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This three-part webinar series is designed to update utility managers on three security issues relevant to the current cyber and physical security threat landscape and will focus on: 1) the legal aspects of threat information sharing, 2) enterprise risk management through the use of a risk dashboard and 3) learning from the experts who were on the ground in Ukraine to understand the cyber kill chain concept that uses good cyber hygiene practices to stop even sophisticated attackers from disrupting your control systems.
· Information Sharing and Recent Cybersecurity Legislation Aug.17
· Utilizing Dashboards for More Effective Cyber & Physical Security Risk Management for Public Power Aug. 30
· The Industrial Control System (ICS) Cyber Kill Chain and Lessons Learned from Ukraine Sept. 13
Who Should Attend
Utility security professionals, senior managers, supervisors, and executives from public power utilities of all sizes.
Webinar #1
Webinar #1
Information Sharing and Recent Cybersecurity Legislation- Aug. 17
Cybersecurity information sharing opportunities are evolving, as the private sector and the federal government have developed private and public-private partnerships that are leading to improved access to timely cyber threat data. The President has issued several Executive Orders on cybersecurity information sharing and the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Energy, National American Electric Reliability Corporation, the FBI, and other entities have established increasingly robust information sharing programs. And, late last year Congress passed the Cybersecurity Act of 2015 and included energy security provisions in the FAST Act. In this webinar, the speakers will discuss each of these initiatives or enactments, and explain how they can help electric utilities.
Registration Fees
Registration Fees
Click here to register for the Cyber and Physical Security webinar series
· Individual webinars: $99 for APPA members; $199 for nonmembers
· The entire 3-part webinar series:$225 for APPA members; $550 for nonmembers
Questions? Contact Ana Mejia at 202/467- 2976 or [email protected]