There are many other details that can be added to create a very precise report. Utilities can track information on key accounts in their system, how the outage was reported, hours to complete restoration and total customers out. A work details section can be used to keep track of what equipment was used during the outage and any other information that may help track expenses. The software can be updated as the utility adds equipment or new circuits to its system.
All of this valuable information will help the user identify problem areas in their system and create reports for various outage indexes. The tracker might give you a better idea when it comes to budgeting for system improvements or wildlife protection and vegetation management plans. All subscribers receive an annual reliability report based on the data submitted and will receive points toward is Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3) designation. There are numerous tutorials and a guide available on the publicpower.org website to help you understand the program or just click on the eReliability Tracker 2.0 link to learn more.