“EPA’s Office of Sustainable Communities invites communities to apply for targeted technical assistance to help overcome barriers to implementing smart growth development approaches. Communities can choose from tools to help them make development more equitable, attract infill development, assess policies in small towns and rural areas, improve resilience to floods, or promote streets that are safe for all users and provide environmental benefits.
The Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities Program provides quick, targeted technical assistance to selected communities using a variety of tools that have demonstrated results and widespread application. EPA delivers the assistance using teams of experts who conduct one- to two-day workshops in the selected communities. After the workshop, the community gets a next-steps memo with specific actions it can take if it chooses to implement the ideas generated in the workshop.
Deadline: 4:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time on October 12, 2016.
How to apply: Submit a two-page letter of interest signed by a mayor, city manager, elected official, or other representative of the community (see the Request for Letters of Interest for details).
Tools offered:
- Tool 1: Creating Equitable Development
- Tool 2: Planning for Infill Development
- Tool 3: Sustainable Strategies for Small Cities and Rural Areas
- Tool 4: Flood Resilience for Riverine and Coastal Communities
- Tool 5: Green and Complete Streets
Timeframe: EPA expects to select 25 recipients by November 2016 and provide all technical assistance by July 2017.
For more information, see the Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities webpage or contact Chip Gurkin ([email protected]).”