Should you have any questions or need assistance in completing the reports, please let Krista Wenzel know. Krista can be reached at: [email protected] or by phone at 402.441.1684.
- February 15: EIA-923 Power Plant Operations. Required for all electric generators with a capacity equal to or greater than 1MW or if the generator is connected to the grid and has the ability to draw power from or deliver power to the grid. Due to the EIA.
- February 29: EIA-860 Annual Electric Generator Report. Required for all electric generators with a capacity equal to or greater than 1MW or if the generator is connected to the grid and has the ability to draw power from or deliver power to the grid. Due to the EIA.
- March 1: Grain Bin Notification. There is no reporting for this, but it is mandated by the IUB to notify customers involved in potential grain bin construction of specific overhead line clearances that must be adhered to when constructing grain bins. We typically remind you of this requirement both in the spring and the fall.
- March 31: Municipal Transfer Replacement Tax Return. This is required for all electric municipal utilities and is due to the City CFO.
- March 31: Statewide Property Tax Return. This is required for all electric municipal utilities that own taxable property. If you need to complete this form, you will receive notification from the Iowa Department of Revenue. Due to the Iowa Department of Revenue.
- March 31: Replacement Tax Form A: Required for all municipal electric utilities that own taxable property. Due to the Iowa Department of Revenue.
- April 1: Annual Electric Report (ME-1). Required for all municipal electric utilities and is due to the Iowa Utilities Board via the Electronic Filing System.
- April 30: EIA-861 Annual Electric Power Industry Report. Required for all electric utilities. If your retail sales are less than 100,000 MWH you can complete the EIA-861S (short form). You must complete a full EIA-861 every five years. EIA will tell you what report you need to complete once you log into the reporting website.
To see more information on upcoming reports, please visit IAMU's website at