Water and wastewater workers are unsung heroes in our communities, and many people often take for granted the quality, affordable, and reliable water that we rely on every day.
According to Gov. Reynold’s proclamation, “science-based practices continue to be a vital element in improving the quality of life and preserving and protecting public health in the state.” The proclamation also stated that “the wastewater workforce has dedicated themselves to applying environmental science to enhance drinking and recreational waters of Iowa.”
The Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities (IAMU) encourages all members to thank the water and wastewater workers in their communities.
During Water and Wastewater Workers of Iowa Week, IAMU will share social media posts. Feel free to use these posts on your utility’s and/or city’s social media.
In addition, here are some other ideas for how to recognize water and wastewater workers.
- Provide a breakfast or lunch sometime during the week
- Include a surprise treat in the breakroom
- Give utility-branded gear
- Schedule a recess – an extra half hour off during the day (or extend the lunchtime break)
- Rotate the prime parking spot(s) among the workers – either each day or assign them a week at a time in the future