- Community Charging and Fueling Grants; and
- Alternative Fuel Corridor Grants
Public power is uniquely eligible to apply for these grants. In the first round, seven public power communities were awarded funding out of 47 selected projects. For this round, FHWA increased the distance EV charging projects can be from an Alternative Fuels Corridor to five miles.
New applications are due in grants.gov by August 28, 2024. FHWA anticipates the total funding for this round to be approximately $1.3 billion.
Applicants who were not successful in the first round can request that their previous submission be reconsidered. While the news release states that FHWA will contact these applicants directly, APPA recommends interested members follow the directions in the NOFO and email FHWA at [email protected] by July 1, 2024, with the request for reconsideration.