Many organizations fail to write, edit, and design newsletters the right way so potential readers pick up the communication and peruse through it. Instead, many newsletters get tossed in recycling bins without ever being opened.
Whether you have an existing newsletter that you’ve been producing for years or want to start one, here are 20 essential elements to incorporate:
- Short articles rather than long ones
- One focus or message per article
- A variety of story formats – questions and answers, lists, testimonials, etc.
- Short sentences written in plain language that anyone can understand
- A positive and inspirational tone
- Bulleted lists
- Examples to illustrate points or concepts
- Action steps to take or where to go for more information
- A review by subject matter experts
- Information about community events
- Personal, inspirational stories
- A variety of content so there is something for everyone
- A header that identifies your utility or community
- Sections organized by topics
- Plenty of white space
- Consistent fonts
- Pulled quotes
- One or two strong images per page
- Text wrapping
- Spot color