To better guarantee that your communications are effective, put them out there again and again – in different ways and in different places.
How does this work?
Take one 150- to 200-word article on any given topic.
- Use the article in its entirety in a newsletter and/or on your website.
- Create a poster or flyer using a portion of the content. Hang up the poster in your office and ask other community gathering places to do the same (e.g., the library, the rec center, grocery stores and restaurants that have community bulletin boards, etc.).
- Use a snippet (such as one tip or piece of information) in an email and link to more information about the topic online.
- Post a piece of advice from the article or a topic-related question (to spur discussion) on your social media sites.
- Find a topic-related testimonial from a customer and weave in facts from the original article. People love to read about others and can see themselves in the article, making it more relevant to their lives.
If you use one article in these five ways, your chances of reaching more of your customers, and making the message stick with them, are much greater. You may want to try this strategy with national observances and important seasonal topics (e.g., using space heaters or carbon monoxide issues).