2015 Water Use Annual Report Forms: Changes in Forms
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources will mail out the Water Use Annual Report Forms for 2015 this week. This year’s form has a new table to allow for entry of well-specific water level and pump information that includes fields for static water level, pumping water level, gallons per minute, and measurement time. Static water level information is still required for all groundwater-sourced permits. Pumping water levels are mandatory for all permittees utilizing the Jordan aquifer. Also new, reporting is now split by source, instead of one report for the entire permit number. If you have any questions on the water use program, please call Mike Anderson at 515-725-0336 or send an email to the Water Use Team at [email protected].
Water Use Annual Permit Fee Reminder Notices – Error in IDNR Payment Address
To the water use permit holders that were sent a reminder notice in mid-November for the annual water use permit fee (due December 1): The old PO Box mailing address was incorrectly listed in the notice. The PO Box was dropped in late spring and the mail is no longer forwarded. The correct address to remit payment is:
IDNR Water Supply Engineering Section
502 E. Ninth Street
Des Moines, IA 50319-0034.