DOE-OE is making opportunities for awards available to any unit of “Local Government”—defined, for the purposes of this FOA, as a town, township, city, county, city-county government, federally recognized tribal government, or other municipality, including a U.S. territory municipality—located within a county (or county equivalent), that experienced a Presidentially Declared Major Disaster from (and including) 1984 to 2014. The awards to be selected through this FOA must improve electricity resiliency to climate change within the county (or county equivalent) that experienced the Presidentially Declared Major Disaster from (and including) 1984 to 2014. Selected project communities will be expected to demonstrate significant improvements in robustness and recovery of electricity delivery infrastructure. The improvements must be measurable, tangible within 24 months of project start, substantial over a long period of time, accountable for resilience to environmental stressors (e.g., more frequent extreme weather events and other climate change impacts), and be implemented within the county (or county equivalent) that experienced the presidentially declared major disaster from (and including) 1984 to 2014. Applicants proposing to deploy a grid-connected technology/tool should include within their Application an approach to ensure cyber security of the power grid.
The FOA consists of the following two topic areas:
Topic Area #1: Industry Technologies:
· Implementation and deployment of best, pre-commercial and commercial smart grid technologies/tools to help decision makers and resource managers address local climate impacts.
· Smart grid technologies/tools of interest must specifically relate to the electricity delivery infrastructure on the customer-side of the utility’s electric meter and/or in the distribution system. Technologies/tools may serve one or more of the following applications:
o risk assessments and management of climate change impacts,
o preparedness for and recovery from climate change impacts, and
o economic and societal impact analysis of smart grid technologies/tools for climate resilience.
· Examples of commercial and pre-commercial smart grid technologies/tools include, but are not limited to, those listed in Appendix A, that have a direct application for enhanced electricity infrastructure resilience at the distribution level and/or on the customer-side.
· Teaming with an electric utility is encouraged.
· DOE National Laboratory participation is not permitted under Topic Area #1.
Topic Area #2: Laboratory Technologies:
· Implementation and deployment of smart grid technologies/tools developed at DOE National Laboratories to help decision makers and resource managers address local climate impacts.
· Smart grid technologies/tools of interest must originate from the National Laboratories beyond the status of validation or evaluation of an actual system/process prototype in an operational environment. A list (not all inclusive) of smart grid technologies/tools developed by National Laboratories for Topic Area 2 that meet the required readiness level and have a direct application for enhanced electricity delivery infrastructure resilience is provided in Appendix B.
· Smart grid technologies/tools of interest must specifically relate to the electricity delivery infrastructure on the customer-side of the utility’s electric meter and/or in the distribution system. Technologies/tools may serve one or more of the following applications:
o risk assessments and management of climate impacts,
o preparedness for and recovery from climate impacts, and
o economic and societal impact analysis under varying extreme weather scenarios.
· Under Topic Area #2, collaboration with National Laboratories for technical assistance on using the technologies/tools for in‑field demonstration is encouraged, but not required. If the Applicant’s team includes a National Laboratory(ies), the Application must clearly describe specific technical assistance activities to be performed by the National Laboratory team member(s).
o If the Applicant includes a National Laboratory as a team member, DOE will directly fund technical assistance by that National Laboratory.
The complete FOA can be found at http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=270074.