Skip is very well regarded and has an extensive background in electric utility design, construction, maintenance and operation.
In addition to the EUSO course, Skip will offer his Smart Grid Course. This class explains what a grid is, the differences between a dumb grid and a smart grid, and the mandates that ensure a smart grid will be implemented in each utility. Once again, this course assumes no electrical background, and builds on the basics to provide a comprehensive understanding of the equipment and operations. Participants, however, who have attended the EUSO course will better understand the true capabilities of a smart grid.
Registration is now open.
If you are planning on sending more than one participant from your organization, please make sure to share this with multiple departments so that you qualify for the reduced cost with the initial registration.
EUSO Course
- $798 for a single registrant OR $725 each for two or more participants from the same utility/organization
- $275 for single registrant OR $245 each for two or more participants from the same utility/organization
- $1,000 for single registrant OR $900 each for two or more participants from the same utility/organization
For additional information, brochure, and registration, please click HERE. The registration deadline for the workshop is Friday, July 26, 2016.