IAMU members whom are part of the IAMU / EMC Insurance Program are encouraged to use the AttorneyConnect Program. EMC Insurance Companies has retained Bradshaw, Fowler, Proctor & Fairgrave, P.C. to answer employment law questions under the AttorneyConnect program. Bradshaw, Fowler, Proctor & Fairgrave, P.C. is a full-service law firm located in Des Moines, Iowa. The firm’s attorneys have been providing legal services for over 70 years.
What Is AttorneyConnect?
AttorneyConnect is an innovative approach to loss prevention and risk management for employers concerned with the ever-expanding area of employment law. AttorneyConnect was designed by EMC Insurance Companies, the leading insurer of Iowa cities and utilities, as part of its strong commitment to loss control. An essential element of an effective loss control program is early identification and proper resolution of employer-employee situations that could develop into a claim or lawsuit. AttorneyConnect is the answer. Through the AttorneyConnect program, any city or utility insured within the IAMU Safety Group Insurance is eligible to receive up to 90 minutes of free consultation per calendar quarter with a Bradshaw, Fowler, Proctor & Fairgrave, P.C. attorney on employment law questions. Employment law questions often deal with the following areas:
• Proper hiring procedures
• Job reassignment issues
• Termination questions
• Employee handbook dos and don’ts
• Employment practices and compliance with state and federal law
• Workers’ compensation matters
• Injured worker returning to work concerns
How The Program Works
Authorized persons such as city clerks, utility managers or city attorneys can contact AttorneyConnect any time, day or night, with questions regarding employment law by calling 800-820-6490 (toll-free) or 515-246-5891 (direct), emailing [email protected] or s[email protected] or faxing 515-246-5808. A Bradshaw, Fowler, Proctor & Fairgrave, P.C. attorney will respond within 24 hours, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. All communication through AttorneyConnect is confidential and secure. If you so request, within 24 hours after each consultation, a summary of the question asked and the advice given will be sent to the person who contacted AttorneyConnect.
Finally, it bears repeating that the AttorneyConnect program is NOT intended to supplant advice from your regular city or utility attorney, nor should it disrupt longstanding relationships with local or out-of-town law firms that have earned your trust in the past and from whom you have traditionally received good, sound, cost-effective legal advice over the years. Rather, it is one more valuable resource to augment the tools already available to you in your continuing effort to effectively address legal molehills before they erupt into litigation mountains.