As 2014 winds down and we look forward to 2015, IAMU is gearing up to assist electric and gas utility members with the next biennial energy efficiency report due to the Iowa Utilities Board.

The requirements of the report are outlined in Iowa Code §476.6, Subsection 16, Paragraph c(4), CLICK HERE to view report requirements, including:
- An update on the utility's progress of meeting their energy efficiency program goals. For the upcoming report municipal utilities will provide the results of their 2013 and 2014 energy efficiency programs.
- Updated energy efficiency programs and energy efficiency goals for 2016 and 2017.
As in the past, IAMU will be coordinating a joint municipal utility report containing the results and goals of all municipal electric and gas utilities. IAMU will help members evaluate the energy and demand savings from their programs, review their current energy efficiency program offerings, set new goals for 2016 and 2017, and submit the report to the IUB. IAMU will provide additional information on these services in January.
Utilities are reminded that they have already set and filed with the IUB energy efficiency goals for 2015, and should be working toward meeting these goals. If you would like to review your utility’s goal, please contact Joel Logan ([email protected], 515-289-1999). Many municipal utilities continue to help customers achieve significant energy and cost saving through their energy efficiency programs. Some of the most successful programs include rebates for the equipment listed below. For additional information on these, please see the IAMU website.
- Energy efficient lighting for residential and commercial customers: Lighting programs have been dominated by CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Lights) and tube fluorescent lighting. While these are still significant components of energy efficiency programs, LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) are now competitive in many lighting applications. LEDs provide many benefits over fluorescent lighting including greater energy savings, longer life, no mercury, and advanced controls.
- Weatherization: Insulating and air sealing existing buildings saves heating and cooling energy, while improving occupant comfort.
- High Efficiency Heating and Cooling Equipment: Purchasing heating and cooling equipment is a significant investment for home and business owners, and this equipment can be the largest energy user in the building.
- LED Street Lighting: Many municipal electric utilities provide street lighting for their communities, and switching to LED lighting can cut energy and maintenance costs while improving the lighting quality. IAMU has a joint purchase program for LED street lights, and information can be found on the IAMU website.