Tuesday, the Environmental Protection Commission approved a rule giving credit to qualified veterans towards becoming certified drinking water or wastewater treatment operators in Iowa.
“We find that veterans have an understanding of teamwork, discipline and personal accountability that can make them excellent employees for the water and wastewater industry. Also, many veterans already have technical skills and training that are directly transferable to careers in the water sector,” she added. “Properly trained and certified operators help ensure safe tap and recreational waters, protecting Iowans’ continued health.”
The Iowa DNR has been a leader in crediting military experience and training towards certifying veterans, working with federal and state veterans, labor and education departments to become first in the nation to fulfill a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s initiative to attract and hire veterans for careers in water and wastewater occupations.
The new rule clarifies the accrediting process and meets the requirements of the 2014 Home Base Iowa Act for certifying veterans for professional and occupational licenses.