- Webinar #1: FEMA Basics for the Municipal Utility (Nov. 14)
This webinar will explore issues faced by public power utilities when recovering from a major disaster, the process of documenting your damages, and the steps that can be taken before a disaster strikes that will make recovery efforts easier for your utility.
- Webinar #2: Avoid Disaster after a Disaster: FEMA/Federal Procurement Guidelines (Nov. 28)
In this webinar, hear about FEMA and federal procurement guidelines that will help you avoid procurement mistakes that could result in the deobligation of FEMA funding. Learn ways to improve regulatory compliance when designing and executing procurement and contracting processes involved in FEMA disaster grant funding.
Series Speaker
- Bill Riley, Managing Director, Witt O'Brien's, Washington, D.C
- Individual webinars: $99 for Association members; $199 for nonmembers
- The entire 2-part series: $150 for Association members; $300 for nonmembers
- Questions contact [email protected].