Who Should Attend:
- This workshop is designed to give personnel new to the natural gas industry all of the basic fundamentals needed to aid in the day-to-day operations as well as the ability to perform certain “On-Call” tasks.
- In addition, any office personnel who may receive a report of a natural gas leak (Dispatch personnel) should attend to obtain all the qualifications that are needed to perform their duties.
- This workshop is also beneficial to natural gas operators who are looking to gain additional training, re-qualify on tasks offered, as well as providing a great opportunity to network with other operators from around the State addressing problems , concerns, techniques, etc.
Dispatch personnel should plan to attend September 28.
Qualifications will be offered for topics covered.
Registration is OPEN. The workshop will be limited to 15 registrants.
As a general reminder, if you have not received, or do not know, your Online OQ Testing username and password, please contact Nick Vandegriff for access.
For additional information, brochure, COVID-19 guidelines, and online registration, please click HERE
We will be implementing precautionary measures during the class.
- Due to the small workshop size, distancing measures will be implemented for attendees in the testing environment.
- A majority of the workshop will take place outdoors. Even then, group sizes will be minimal and groups will be separated.
We understand that this situation is continuously evolving and fluid. We will monitor the news and directives coming from the Iowa Department of Public Health and the Governor’s Office to act accordingly in regards to the workshop.
If you have any questions, please contact Nick Vandegriff, IAMU Gas Services Compliance Specialist at [email protected], or (641) 919-8411.
Thank you for your time.