As a thank you for your help, completed questionnaires submitted by June 23rd will be entered into a drawing for one of two $50 Casey’s gift cards. You will need to provide your name on the questionnaire question 1 to be entered into the drawing. The 11 members who have already completed the survey are entered to win!
IAMU is committed to supporting and strengthening Iowa’s municipal utilities. To help us do that, we are asking our electric and natural gas members to take a few minutes to complete the online 2021 IAMU Rate Survey questionnaire. The rate study results will be anonymized and provided to all members to better understand municipal utilities in Iowa. Any quotes or anecdotes included in the rate study will be submitted to the survey respondent for approval.
IAMU will use the study results to:
- Better serve our members.
- Develop long-term projects to support our members’ needs.
- Provide feedback to utilities that want or need comparisons from peers.
- Shape legislative priorities at the statehouse.
- Identify associate members that could support our utility members.
We know you are extremely busy, but IAMU would really appreciate you taking a few minutes to provide your answers. By completing the questionnaire, you will help to shape how IAMU can better serve you and other members. We hope to have completed questionnaires submitted by June 23rd.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Jeff Gorrie at [email protected] or 309-678-5579.
Again, thank you for your time and attention to this requisition. IAMU truly appreciates it.