Municipal Utility Law 101 Refresher (10:00AM – 12:00 PM)
This webinar/workshop will provide an introduction and refresher on a variety of municipal utility related legal topics, and is designed for municipal utility personnel including general managers, superintendents, finance officers and utility clerks. Topics may include open meetings & records, board & council duties and authority, public officials gift law, utility fees and charges, city transfers, competitive bidding, public v. utility purpose and public employee relations. Registrants will have an opportunity prior to the workshop to identify topics of particular interest.
This webinar was originally scheduled to be held during the Business & Finance Conference in February.
***Those that were registered for the Pre-Conference during the February Business and Leadership Conference will automatically be registered for the Muni Law Refresher. IAMU staff will contact you for registration confirmation and payment information.***
Intro to Employment Practices Liability (1:00PM – 3:00PM)
This webinar/workshop will be an introduction to a variety of employment related risks in the workplace, such as harassment, discrimination, overtime, breaks and meal periods, social media in the workplace, disability, leaves of absences, and retaliation. It is designed for municipal utility personnel including general managers, superintendents, finance officers and utility clerks. Learn to identify risks in your workplace and where to go to address them before they become a problem.
Register for both webinars here.
Hope you can attend!