Join us on April 28, 2015 for a Strategic Goals Program Workshop entitled “Renewable Energy, Iowa’s Antidegradation Policy & the new NPDES E-Reporting Rule.” This workshop will provide you an opportunity to meet with regulators and industry experts in a small setting where questions are welcome to learn about Solar and Wind renewable energy options, Iowa Antidegradation Policy, the new E-Reporting NPDES Rule as well as financial opportunities offered by USDA.
When: April 28, 2015
Where: Courtyard by Marriott
Located off of Interstate 35 Exit 90
2405 SE Creekview Drive
Ankeny, IA 50021
Time: 9:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.
Cost: $35 (includes lunch)
A workshop flyer, an agenda, registration form and map can be accessed by clicking here or at and click on P2 Workshops & Conf.
This workshop is the seventeenth in a series offered by the Iowa Strategic Goals Program (ISGP). The workshop is open to all Iowa manufacturers and the materials presented will apply to a broad range of industrial processes.
REMINDER: You can access the presentations from previous workshops by clinking on Pollution Prevention Workshops .