IAMU Safety Group Insurance Program Members,
Jester Insurance Services has been managing the IAMU Safety Group Insurance Program for nearly 40 years. We are dedicated to identifying ways to provide additional value to all program members. The spring newsletter focuses on loss of income and extra expense coverage. What loss of income and extra expense exposures exist for municipalities/utilities and what solutions are available?
We are introducing a new “Spotlight” section in the newsletter that will highlight a different IAMU program member and local insurance agency each time. We are proud to have the City of Ogden/Ogden Municipal Utilities and Boehm Insurance Agency spotlighted in this spring edition. We hope that you continue to find these newsletters beneficial and are able to utilize them as a resource when evaluating your own exposures. Please feel free to contact Jester Insurance Services or your local agent with any questions.
Thank you for your continued support of the IAMU Safety Group Insurance Program!
Click here to read the Spring 2017 Newsletter.