Excavator Safety Report
2016 IOC awareness meeting locations are in current discussion. New locations will replace some previous locations. A new video production concepts include rural water, communication and a possible segment from the Iowa Attorney General’s Office. The most successful programs implemented in 2015 will be carried over for 2016 implementation, and includes; Ag trade show events and applicator training program. IOC will also take part in the 2016 Farm Progress Show. The committee is looking into additional partnership opportunities to further offset ESAP programming costs. A motion was made and carried to have board representatives start discussion with CGI for by year 2017, have a combined event with CGI.
Advertising Report
The committee will continue with the following initiatives; focus on iowaonecall.com with Call 811 secondary, continue statewide dispersion of information, develop program for statewide 811 awareness day, monitor TV spots, movie theatre ads, google AdWords, outdoor ads, e-newsletter, agriculture focus with pipeline association, exhibit booths, developing activities for 2016 and evaluation of contract with Amperage. Upcoming activities include; working with “Top 10” member operations to develop effort to meet with excavators onsite across the state on 811Day, explore opportunities with surrounding states for advertising with border city TV stations, develop electronic survey for homeowners, cover trade shows, such as; Iowa State Fair, Home & Garden Show, etc., and develop an ad program for 2016. Also maybe consider utilizing Iowa Cable Advertising Network (ICAN) for out of Des Moines locations to reach the full state. And looking to see if IOC could provide larger Iowa One Call stickers to place on utility work trucks.
State of the Art Report
The Strategic Action Plan is to obtain 75% electronic ticketing by November 1, 2015. Current tracking showing 60-63%. We developing a derived list from the notification center database that will show which IOC member operators who are not adequately using the Ticket Check System. The committee outlined an outreach/communications plan to deal with operators who have failed to adequately use the system.
The committee directed OCC (One Call Center), and staff to implement communications programming, including eShots to inform excavators about the importance of using the Ticket Check System to verify locating and marking statuses.
Legislative Report
Committee members and IUB staff to meet and discuss the initiative set forth by the PHMSA and explore options for implementing a dispute resolution, and determine who would oversee the process. The committee is also looking into the ticket check data analysis that sorts data to determine operator compliancy and usage trends. Several tracking reports have been developed based on operator usage. The committee has interest in tracking how operators who are statusing their tickets use the system and the status codes.