Iowa DNR - Water Supply now has the responsibility for receiving the well records and pumping test records for all public water supply wells and all wells covered by a water use permit. With this change, we hope to improve the number of new well records the state receives, save staff time and effort, and ensure full completion of these important records, including accurate well location, construction, lithology, and water levels.
The change in where records are sent only affects wells drilled or modified within the DNR public water supply and water use programs, which are roughly 80-100 new wells per year. There are no changes to private, geothermal, and monitoring well record submittals. Additionally, all drill chips for the public water supply and water use program wells should still be sent to, or picked up by, the Iowa Geological Survey - IIHR. This change in address is reflected in the updated well record forms available through both IGS and IDNR websites.
All well records received by IDNR will still be posted and available online via GeoSam.
Well logs and pump tests can be submitted to the state via the following methods:
- Private, geothermal, and monitoring well record forms can be submitted electronically through the Private Well Tracking System (PWTS) database, through a paper copy submitted to the respective county sanitarian, or to the Iowa Geological Survey at 100 Oakdale IGS, Iowa City, IA 52242.
- Public water supply and Water use well record forms and pump test information can be submitted through paper copy to: IDNR WS-Well Records, 502 E. 9th St., Des Moines, IA 50319; or emailed to: [email protected].
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Chad Fields at [email protected].