Do you ever feel challenged to stay up-to-date on issues and regulations impacting municipal utilities and wish that you could get briefed on current and future important topics? Would you like an opportunity to let lawmakers know what you think about potential legislation that could affect your utility? Are you interested in helping to shape IAMU for the next year?
Plan to attend the IAMU Legislative Forum and Annual Business Meeting to get informed on issues that may affect you, your utilities, your communities, and your IAMU membership – including topics such as legislative issues, regionalization of water system, and timely human resources issues. We want to provide you with the information that you want and need, along with access to the lawmakers who shape utility-related legislation.
The Legislative Forum is Wednesday, Feb. 7 from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Iowa Hall of Pride in Downtown Des Moines. The forum is immediately followed by a Legislative Reception, and many legislators from around the state plan to attend. If you want to know if your legislators have RSVPed for the event, contact Jen Cronin at [email protected].
Then, on Thursday morning, Feb. 8, plan to attend the “Harassment & Discrimination – What Managers Need to Know” training at the IAMU office at 8:30 a.m., followed immediately by the Annual Business Meeting, which goes from 10:45 – 11:30 a.m.
To learn more about the event or to register, click here. (IAMU members only)