NO Registration is required, simply login to the webinar 5 -10 minutes before the start time.
To login to the webinar, go to the following link: https://emcriskimprovement.webex.com/emcriskimprovement/onstage/g.php?d=668416923&t=a
Type in your name, e-mail address, and the event password: emc123
Event Number = 668 416 923
At the bottom of the webinar page there is a link that you can check to see if your computer system is setup for the webinar. You should do this prior to the day of the workshop to make sure you will be able to view the presentation.
Once you login to the webinar, the audio conference will begin automatically.
If during the webinar you have questions of the presenter, please use the Chat icon at the top of the page to send in questions.
For technical issues or problems connecting to the webinar you may call one of EMC’s IT persons listed below:
- Matt Goaley 515-345-2423
- Greg Christianson 515-345-2746
- Julie Swank 515-345-2166
- Brenda Petersen 515-345-7523
- Tom Gass 515-345-4531