Designed to facilitate energy-related economic development in Iowa, the program will begin accepting pre-applications February 20. Submissions, which must support projects and initiatives that align with the Iowa Energy Plan and IEC’s activities, will be accepted through until March 19.
The IEC Grant Program is funded by gas and electric utilities across Iowa and open to Iowa businesses, colleges, universities and private nonprofit agencies and foundations. The program supports projects that provide a benefit to Iowa’s residential and commercial customers. Projects must also aid in the implementation of at least one of the seven key focus areas of the Iowa Energy Plan: technology-based research and development, workforce development, support for rural and underserved areas, biomass, natural gas expansion in underserved areas, electric grid modernization and alternative fuel vehicles.
Grant awards will range from $10,000 to $1,000,000; however, most grants awarded will be in the $150,000 - $300,000 range. The IEC Board will make at least one funding announcement per fiscal year, and the application process will include both a pre-application and application phase. An updated Policies and Procedures Handbook and Pre-Application guide will be available online February 20.
For additional information, please visit