To increase efficiency of and simplify the emissions reporting requirement, DNR requires that you report the 2019 emissions electronically using the State and Local Emissions Inventory System (SLEIS). The option of reporting emissions in paper forms is no longer available. For assistance regarding Emissions Inventory or Fee Payment (due July 1, 2020), please contact Jeremy Arndt at (515) 725-9511 or [email protected]. For assistance regarding SLEIS, please contact Nick Page at (515) 725-9544 for [email protected].
The Annual Compliance Certification and the Semi-Annual Monitoring Report are due March 31, 2020 if your initial Title V permit was issued prior to January 1, 2020. Contact Mark Fields at (515) 725-9526 or [email protected] if you have questions about these reports.
For additional information please check the informational letter that was sent to Title V facilities by clicking here or by going to and clicking on Title V Forms & Instructions, Emission Inventory, and on the 2019 Title V Emissions Inventory reminder letter at the top of the page.