Iowa law requires that each employer post and keep posted a notice informing employees of the legal protections provided for them at work. Each employer must take steps to ensure that the posting is not altered, defaced or covered by other materials. Make sure that each physical location where business is conducted, where services or industrial operations are performed or where employee notices are traditionally put up has the poster displayed.
Copies of this poster are free and to get one or multiple copies, go to http://www.iowadivisionoflabor.gov/iowa-osha-safety-and-health-poster and click on “an all-in-one poster”. The link will open a blank email so that you can enter the number of posters to be sent and your mailing address and other specific information.
The Labor Laws Poster link has also been added to the IAMU Website and can be found on the Services Tab under Legislative & Regulatory and also under Job Training & Safety.