The Zoom meeting will be held on February 3, 2021 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. You must register in advance for this meeting using the following link:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
The Chapters included in the proposed rulemaking are 40, 41, 43, 49, 60, 62, 63, 64, 67, 69, and 81. The proposed changes include:
- Updates to the separation distances tables in Chapter 41, 43, 49, and 69
- Addition of new language on water main separation distances in Chapter 43
- Updates to the analytical testing methods, alternative test procedures, and method modification language in Chapter 63
- Update the rule-referenced Supporting Document for Permit Monitoring Frequency Determination
- Addition of new language on electronic reporting to Chapter 63
- Rescission of the monitoring table for land application systems and the table for preservation techniques, containers and holding times in Chapter 63
- Clarifications of and updates to the language in Chapter 64 regarding general permits, public notices and public hearings, and disadvantaged communities
- Addition of specific fee amounts from Iowa Code and new Nutrient Reduction Exchange (NRE) language to Chapter 64
- Updates to the sewage sludge classifications, terms, pathogen reduction methods, and testing methods in Chapter 67
- Changes to the maintenance contract language for specific onsite systems in Chapter 69
- Revisions to the wastewater treatment plant classifications and clarification of the requirements for transient noncommunity water systems in Chapter 81
The draft rule documents can be viewed on the NPDES Rules webpage.
Written comments on the draft Notice of Intended Action (NOIA), Jobs Impact Statement (JIS), Fiscal Impact Statement (FIS), and the draft Supporting Document for Permit Monitoring Frequency Determination may be submitted to [email protected] or mailed to Courtney Cswercko, Iowa DNR, 502 East 9th St, Des Moines, IA 50319, until February 10, 2020.
Please contact Courtney Cswercko at [email protected] or 515-725-8411 with any questions on the proposed rule changes or on the stakeholder meeting.