Please note the addition of a new requirement in Attachment 10 of the SRF Required Front-End Specifications (DWSRF Exhibit7A/CWSRF Exhibit 12A), and in Attachment 5 of the SRF Required Front-End Specifications for Nonpoint Source and Sponsored Projects.
If you have downloaded a previous version of these documents, please replace them with the January 2021 updates for CWSRF and DWSRF infrastructure projects and the February 2021 updates for CWSRF nonpoint source projects (including Sponsored Projects).
The updated forms are available on these webpages:
- SRF Forms website (New SRF Required Front-End Specification document is available under the heading entitled Bidding & Procurement Materials, .doc, 34 pages)
- DNR Wastewater Construction Permits website
- CWSRF Exhibit 12A: SRF Required Front-End Specifications including Davis-Bacon and American Iron and Steel requirements (.doc, 34 pages; if it doesn't open, right-click on the link to open the document)
- DNR DWSRF website
- DWSRF Exhibit 7A: SRF Required Front-End Specifications, including Davis-Bacon and American Iron and Steel requirements (.doc, 34 pages; if it doesn't open, right-click on the link to open the document)
- Sponsored Project Manual website
Address questions regarding the SRF Front-End Documents to Theresa Enright, SRF Coordinator at 515-725-0498 or [email protected].